Zain Bhikha - Salat

Salat is our armour
That guards from harm and sin
Salat is our medicine
That soothes our aching limb
Salat is our vehicle
That carries us through life
Salat is our soldier
That fights for good and right
Salat is our garment
That covers and conceals
Salat is our therapy
That lifts our mood and heals
Salat is our pillow
That gives us rest and peace
Salat is our sustenance
That satisfies our needs
Salat is our teacher
That guides to all things pure
Salat is our shelter
That makes our hearts secure
Salat is our shelter
That makes our hearts secure
Salat is our lantern
That lights up our straight way
Salat is our good-tidings
That helps us through our day
Salat is our vitamin
That strengthens our iman
Salat is our treasure
Full of spiritual charm
Salat is our victory
A crown upon our heart
And blessings come to every one
Who loves to pray salat